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CALL FOR PAPERS 5th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Financial Inclusion (ICIEFI) 2021

May 6, 2021, oleh: superadmin

CALL FOR PAPERS 5th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Financial Inclusion (ICIEFI) 2021 Theme: Optimizing the Challenges of Environment, Resources and Socioeconomics for Sustainable Innovation Scope: 1. Economics and Finance; 2. Environmental Economics, Eco-tourism, Energy Innovation and Disaster Management; 3. SME and creative Economics; International Trade and Public Sectors; 4. Social sciences and humanities;

Guest Lecture Dr. Embarika Farouk Abouellail from University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom and discuss about Sustainable Finance and Climate Change

May 3, 2021, oleh: superadmin

As one of the international agendas, Guest Lecture from IPIEF, to be precise on Friday, April 30, 2021 at 15.00, Through the online Zoom meeting flatfom, IPIEF invited extraordinary lecturers, Dr. Embarika Farouk Abouellail from University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, and moderated directly by IPIEF lecturer Dr. Dessy Rahmawatie, with the topic of discussion on

Guest Lecture Prof. Dusadee Ayuwat from Khon Kaen University, Thailand and discuss about Human capital and wellbeing : concept and research

April 30, 2021, oleh: superadmin

Human Capital Definition Human capital encompasses the education, health, work skills, migration, and information that, when combined, allow populations to engage with different livelihood strategies and reach their own objectives.  At the household level human capital is a factor, which determines the quantity and quality of the available workforce (DFID, 1999).  – Human capital is

Guest Lecture Prof. Magdalena Osinska from Nicolaus Copernicus University, Polang and discuss about The Economic of The European Union

April 16, 2021, oleh: superadmin

On April 14, 2021,IPIEF had the opportunity to invite and receive material from Prof. Magdalena Osinska. She is a professor of economics from the University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun, Poland. On this occasion, she conveyed about the economy in the European Union, how the European Union affects the economies of its member countries. The

Guest Lecture Dr. Mohamed Aslam Haneef from International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia and discuss about Issues and Challenges of Contemporary Islamic Economics and Finance

April 15, 2021, oleh: superadmin

IPIEF provides a forum for the students to study wider and have an active role in international activities. IPIEF provides a lot of places for each student to develop by opening a global perspective, such as providing learning facilities by inviting excellent guest lectures from various countries. On this occasion, IPIEF  invited Prof. Dr. Mohamed

Guest Lecture Dr. Fouad Bin Amin from King Saud University, Riyadh Saudi Arabi and discuss about Microfinance Institutions and Viability of Waqf Based Islamic Microfinance Program

April 14, 2021, oleh: superadmin

IPIEF welcomes an international guest lecture from Saudi Arabia as a part of its international agenda on April 12, 2021. This lecture was held online. The speaker is Dr. Fouad Bin Amin. He is an assistant professor at King Saud University. His expertise is on Development Economics, Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking and Finance. In essence,

Guest Lecture Subkhan, M.Sc., Ph.D from Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia and discuss about Budgeting (APBN)

April 12, 2021, oleh: superadmin

Guest Lecture is a program held by the International Program of Islamic Economics and Finance (IPIEF) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta  (UMY). In this program, IPIEF invited many outstanding experts and lecturers to give lectures that were very useful and interesting. One of the guest lecturers is Mr. Subkhan, S.E., M.A, Ph.D. from Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry

IPIEF Ajak Mahasiswa Bedah Buku The Theft of Nations

April 12, 2021, oleh: superadmin

Krisis ekonomi yang terjadi dua puluh empat tahun silam pada tahun 1997 hingga 1998, mengakibatkan banyak sekali skenario-skenario tidak menyenangkan yang terjadi. Diantaranya; kompetisi ekonomi yang semakin meningkat mengakibatkan jam kerja bagi para pekerja yang ditekan semakin panjang, kebankrutan nasional, dan lain-lain. Tidak hanya terjadi di Malaysia, namun krisis ini terjadi di hampir seluruh negara


April 10, 2021, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta- Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Ekonomi Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta selenggarakan seminar nasional kewirausahaan ‘Creating A Creative, Innovative, And Independent Entrepreneural Spirit pada Sabtu, (10/04/2021). Adapun narasumber dalam seminar ini yaitu Yolanda Agatha, pemilik SaladNyoo dan Natta Retta, seorang pebisnis, penyanyi, dan influencer. Seminar ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana awal mula pebisnis handal dalam