Increase Economic Independence, UMY Students Invite the Kenalan Villagers to Produce Bamboo Handicrafts

June 24, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta – The natural wealth of Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) is very abundant, one of which is bamboo plants. Kenalan Village, located in Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul Regency, DIY has become the areas who has abundant bamboo plants. However, the minimum skills to manage plants is an obstacle for the community to utilize these natural resources. For this reason, the Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa – Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM-M) or Student Creativity Program – Community Service group of the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) provided to assist and community empowerment to manage bamboo into handicrafts named “Magic Bamboo Kenalan Tercinta (Mamboo Kelinta)” the program was initiated by Mochamad Rizki (International Program for Islamic Economics and Finance / IPIEF student), Mas Adi Prihambodo (Civil Engineering student), Sinthia Mahesa Tari (Accounting student), Wulan Rara Anggawati Priyono Putri (Economics student) and Dena Malarita (Accounting student).
The Leader of the PKM-M group, Moch. Rizki tell that program was carried out to increase public awareness of economic independence through the handicraft industry from the surrounding environment.
“Of course with the holding of this program the Kenalan villagers are increasingly aware of the environment and the conditions of their villages and is independent in terms of the economy,” he said when contacted by UMY’s Public Relations and Protocol Bureau (BHP UMY), Thursday (6/20).
Rizki tell again about the condition of Kenalan residents was dominated by the lower middle class with the livelihoods of workers and farmers. Income from work as a laborer is only enough to cover the daily needs and education expense . While farming activities only can do in the rainy season. “The use of bamboo plants that thrived in the village can be a solution to increase the independence community in Kenalan village,” he said.
During April to June 2019 the PKM-M group UMY provided guidance to the community in several steps, including training, production assistance and marketing. The craft produced are many boxes, flower vase, tissue box, and parcels. Furthermore, the products are packaged in a unique and modern so they can compete globally. The social media like Instagram, WhatsApp and YouTube were chosen as tools to market the handicrafts.
The innovation of the PKM-M team was warmly welcomed by the enthusiasm of the villagers who participated in that activity. “The Kenalan village community is very enthusiastic about this program from us. They also hope that skills training of bamboo can increase productivity of the villagers and contribute to development of  Kenalan village, “Rizki added.
The final results of this program are hoping to be productive by join this training. “Then, after the program was completed, it was hoped that community skills would improve and have an entrepreneurship spirit. The most important thing in this program is the economy and society welfare also increases, “concluded Rizki. (BHP UMY)