
CALL FOR PAPERS 5th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Financial Inclusion (ICIEFI) 2021

May 6, 2021, oleh: superadmin

CALL FOR PAPERS 5th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Financial Inclusion (ICIEFI) 2021 Theme: Optimizing the Challenges of Environment, Resources and Socioeconomics for Sustainable Innovation Scope: 1. Economics and Finance; 2. Environmental Economics, Eco-tourism, Energy Innovation and Disaster Management; 3. SME and creative Economics; International Trade and Public Sectors; 4. Social sciences and humanities;

Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi (Pilmapres) Tahun 2020

March 12, 2020, oleh: superadmin

Yth. Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Bidang Kemahasiswaan di lingkungan LLDIKTI  Wilayah V Yogyakarta Memperhatikan surat  Kepala Pusat Prestasi Nasional nomor 0052/J3/TU/2020  tanggal 25 Februari 2020  perihal Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi (Pilmapres)  2020, dengan hormat kami beritahukan bahwa pada Tahun Anggaran 2020 Pusat Prestasi Nasional Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan akan menyelenggarakan Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi  Tahun 2020 bagi mahasiswa Perguruan

Gathering IPIEF 2019, Evaluasi akhir semester Gasal

January 8, 2020, oleh: superadmin

(29/12) Bertempat di rumah makan dan wisata pemancingan “tempo dulu”, International Program for Islamic Economic and Finance (IPIEF) melakukan Gathering IPIEF tahun 2019. Gathering IPIEF 2019 adalah sebuah kegiatan yang ber tujuan untuk mengevaluasi hasil dari semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2019 – 2020, adapun hasil evaluasi disampaikan langsung oleh Dr. Dimas Bagus Wiranata Kusuma selaku

Lisya Indrayana, IPIEF 2018 has participated in Youth Excursion in Tokyo, Japan

December 18, 2019, oleh: superadmin

[su_slider source=”media: 7965,7969″ limit=”19″ link=”image” width=”1340″ height=”900″ speed=”300″] My name is Lisya Indrayana, IPIEF 2018 has participated in Youth Excursion in Tokyo, Japan 20-23 November 2019. The participants were selected from at least 4 different countries. This event was challenging, every participants should do many challenges from the committee. Every challenge has made to build


December 13, 2019, oleh: superadmin

[su_slider source=”media: 7882,7880″ limit=”19″ link=”image” width=”1340″ height=”900″ speed=”300″] IPIEF FEB UMY kembali mengharumkan nama UMY dengan mempertahankan gelar juara yakni sebagai peyelenggara Program Studi Sarjana TERBAIK di bawah kementerian Dikbud se-DIY dalam acara IAEI DIY AWARD 2019. IAEI AWARD 2019 merupakan acara tahunan yang di selenggarakan oleh Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (IAEI

An IPIEF Student Awarded as a Best Presenter at the 5th Asia International Conference in Malaysia.

December 10, 2019, oleh: superadmin

[su_slider source=”media: 7837,7835,7833,7839″ limit=”19″ link=”image” width=”1340″ height=”900″ speed=”300″] The 5th Asia International Conference (AIC) 2019 was held in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center Malaysia by Connecting Asia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. There were several discussions in this agenda such as Emerging issues in Economics and Finance (EIEF), Advances in Managing Operations and Sustainability (AMOS), Future of Marketing

The Best Paper in Call for Paper Iqtishoduna 2019 Competition

October 20, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Call for Paper Iqtishoduna 2019 Competition was held by Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Ekonomi Islam (HIMA EKIS) Faculty of Economic and Business Universitas Airlangga. In be held of this agenda, it discussed about how we could explore the idea and recent issue in economic field in order to increased and developed achievement of college student. One

IPIEF Student as National Ambassador of Literacy and Finance Inclusion

August 1, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Jakarta – Adra Sari, student of International Program for Islamic Economics and Finance (IPIEF) batch of 2015 was selected to be an  Ambassador of Literacy and Financial Inclusion who directly inaugurated by Minister of Indonesian Economy Mr. Darmin Nasution with the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Republic Indonesia, Minister of Youth and