December 23, 2020, oleh: superadmin

On 14th September 2020, I started my internship at Mandiri Syariah Bank in Jl. Sudirman No 42 Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta. It was a wonderful experience, overall.

On the first day, I, Walid and my friend Ahmed met one of the employees that was being my guide for the internship, and he introduced me to all employee in the building and every division. On the first day, we planned for the internship program. For the first week, we will be focused on the funding, and the second week we will be focused on the lending.

My schedule there was so well organized. It usually starts before 8 am, then we pray together before starting the work hour. They show us good teamwork in the office in every activity. The employees there were so nice that they always try to include me in many banking activities. They took us to many places outside the office to show me about marketing, to meet some customers, to go some money point and any other outside-office-activity. Sometimes we were outside the bank to do those jobs until the end of the day. It was so great to learn a lot.

Beside outside office activities, inside the office activities also gave me so many lessons. We had a few mini-classes in the office as the employee teaches me basic knowledge about banking activity. In the office, we also learned how to input some data and some administrative stuff. Here, we learn those things as the implementation of what we learn in from the courses we took in IPIEF program

During my internship there, we were always excited to learn new things every day. The employees there are very kind and nice. They are so patient to teach me about the work. They were also so friendly that we are feeling so welcomed there. we learn a lot of things that we didn’t learn inside my classes, and we also find the difference between working and studying during this internship.