Palestinian Academician Joining IPIEF Summer Course 5th IT-Yields 2022

July 18, 2022, oleh: superadmin

Conflict in Palestine encourages the creation of collaboration between the Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Council, Muhammadiyah Zakat Infaq and Shadaqah Institutions (LazizMu), the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS), Quantum Akhyar Institute, Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University (UMY) and the Palestinian government to provide scholarships. education for the Palestinian people.

One of the educational aids was provided through the UMY Summer School 2022 program which was also attended by nearly 850 participants from 42 countries, including; Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Gambia, Ghana, Indonesia, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Malawi, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine , Philippines, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam and Yemen.

IPIEF is one part that contributes to this scholarship. In the implementation of our 5th International Training for Young Islamic Leaders (ITYIELds) summer course, we have 3 participants from Palestine who will contribute to this event including:

  1. Dr Ahmed Adnan Zaid
  2. Dr Moh Tahseen Sleimi
  3. Mr Mustafa YM Dababseh

Apart from being participants, they will also be asked to accompany each class in ITYIELds. Their knowledge and experience are expected to help make it easier for participants to understand each subject.