Mahasiswa Asing Ikuti Rafting Bersama FEB UMY

December 28, 2023, oleh: superadmin

Mahasiswa asing Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) pada Minggu (17/12) mengikuti rafting di Sungai Elo, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh exchange student maupun full time student dari ketiga prodi yang ada di FEB UMY.


I embarked on an unforgettable rafting adventure organized by Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) at Sungai Elo, Magelang, Central Java. That was a thrilling escapade that combined the excitement of conquering challenging rapids with the beauty of nature. As we disembarked from our rafts, dripping with exhilaration and accomplishment, we carried with us not only the memories of the rapids but also a strengthened sense of camaraderie that would resonate in our professional and personal lives.

Musu Korom from Sierra Leone. IPACC

I was planning about river rafting since when I was in my country but we didn’t have it there even I don’t know how to swim and I have a lot of fear for water but this trip was really interesting. I was preoccupied with the beauty and might of the water when we approached our first sloping rapids. I want to say a big thanks to the Economics and Business Faculty for making my dream come true.

Mohamed Baillor Jalloh, Sierra Leone, IPIEF.

I hade my first rafting experience, organized by my faculty. So much fun, from paddling, splashing water to others faces, swimming in specific places, and so much fun that we wished will never end. I will surely do this again. Thanks to the Dean of Economics and Business Prof. Rizal Yaya and everyone who contributed to the successes of this program.

Emad Rageh  Asaad, Yaman,  IMaBs

The rafting trip was an unforgettable journey filled with excitement and camaraderie. The experience fostered a sense of unity among our group, as we overcame obstacles and shared in the joy of the great outdoors. The university outing provided us with memories that will last a lifetime.

Nur Rodiatul Shiema binti Norlizam, Malaysia, IPIEF (exchange student)

We were able to swim in some areas of deep water and there are only few pebbles. Seeing other friends swimming and laughing together made it the best day for me. I really liked that moment. Even though I didn’t know how to swim, they encouraged me to go swim together and help me overcome my fear of deep water. I was so touched when we cared about each other. Thank you Faculty Economic and Business for this amazing experience.

Ei Khin Khin, Myanmar, IMaBs

I’m an adventurous person and really into physical activities. So when our dean suggested rafting, I was over the moon. It was not merely an adventurous trip but also united our team spirit and revealed Indonesia’s resourceful natural gifts. Undoubtedly, I will remember this memorable trip forever.