IPIEF FEB UMY Prospective Full Students Interview 2022

June 25, 2022, oleh: superadmin

Full Student Scolarship is one of the international facilities provided by UMY to foreign students. Every year IPIEF always has foreign students who actively study here. These students will later receive full scholarships to study at UMY and must be in Indonesia to take part in offline lectures. This year there are 18 foreign student candidates who want to join IPIEF and after being selected there are 8 people who are eligible to take part in the interview selection. We hold this selection on Friday, June 24, 2022 at 13.00 PM via the Zoom meeting platform. These eight people are :

1 Mike Daniels Nthakomwa Malawi
2 Isatou Krubally Gambia
3 Muhammad Rezaul Haider Bangladesh
4 Mohammed Abdulrahman Ahmed Hamod Al-Abyadh Yemen
5 Raed Basheer Abbas Hasan Al-Zuraiqi Yemen
6 Mohammad Ibrahimkhail Afghanistan
7 Mohammad Ali Bangladesh
8 Boxodirov Abdulaziz Uzbekistan

Alhamdulillah, the event went smoothly and the enthusiasm of the prospective students to join Ipief. Thank you for taking part in the interview selection well. We wish for your best!