Arissa and Afiqa’s story Exchange students from Malaysia (USAS) took part in an outing with the Faculty of Economics and Business, UMY

May 30, 2024, oleh: superadmin

On May 26, 2024, a group of us international students set out on a trip that we will never forget. The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta planned the trip. We are together with 9 international students and also 3 staff. there are Mohamed Baillor Jalloh from Sierra Lione, Muhammed J Bah from Gambia, Nur Arissa Balqis binti Norazmi from Malaysia, Nur Afiqah Aqilah binti Abdul Malik from Malaysia, Ensa Barrow from Gambia, Musu koroma from Gambia, Emad Asaad from Yemen, Arwa Nader Badughish from Yemen, Ei Khin Khin from Myanmar. Here they will tell about their experiences.

UMY held an outing for students to strengthen the relationship between students and increase knowledge about the state of Yogyakarta. There are various activities and places of interest in this program.

Among them is Watulawang Beach, which is our first destination. The environment at Watulawang Beach is very beautiful and the air is fresh. The activity carried out in this first destination is that we get to know other international students. This can strengthen human relationships. Watulawang Beach attracts our attention to take photos as memories and this nature can relieve stress.

After that, the second destination is Gua Pindul. Here, we can learn to work together among students even if they are of different races. For example, water rafting activities require each other to hold the front friend’s float to ensure the safety of each student. In Gua Pindul we can also see the beauty and do challenging activities and new things. This is one of the most interesting and favorite destinations for me.

Then, the next destination is Candi Ijo which is close to Tebing Breksi. Candi Ijo is a temple complex with a Hindu pattern. This temple is named “Ijo” because it is on a hill known as Gumuk Ijo. The artwork found in Ijo Temple has a certain meaning for the Javanese community. We also took pictures of Candi Ijo and with friends.

Finally, we went to Tebing Breksi. This destination can see a beautiful sunset. We also took photos and videos as memories together with other students. Tebing Breksi is also one of the most interesting destinations in the state of Yogyakarta. The painting on the wall of Tebing Breksi is very interesting and is a place to be used as a pre-wedding for couples.

In conclusion, I feel very lucky and happy to be able to participate in this organized program. I can see the beauty and increase the knowledge found in the state of Yogyakarta. I am very grateful to those who organized this program. I hope that programs like this can continue to be kept as memories when I return to my homeland later.