Welcome to IT-Yields 6th, a program that inspires and opens up new opportunities for amazing participants!

July 11, 2023, oleh: superadmin

Welcome to IT-Yields 6th, a program that inspires and opens up new opportunities for amazing participants! 🌟📚

We are proud to announce the attendance of more than 111 participants in the Economic Olympiad, 207 participants in the Summer School, and 30 participants in the International Islamic Finance Olympiad. This is a great achievement! 🏆🌍

The Economic Olympiad has gathered brilliant minds from various cities, 65 high schools nationwide. Be prepared for competitive challenges and a deep understanding of economics. 💼💡

Summer Courses is a golden opportunity for 207 participants from 23 countries Online &; Offline at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta to experience inspiring learning and valuable experience in various relevant economic topics. Together, we will expand our knowledge and skills in a dynamic economic world. 📚🌟

The International Islamic Finance Olympiad is a unique event, presenting 30 participants from 3 different countries and 5 well-known universities (University of Indonesia, Airlangga University, Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, KTO Karatay Turkey, and USIM Malaysia) offline. Together, we will explore the world of Islamic finance and delve into a deep understanding of its underlying principles. 💰✨

We are so excited to see the energy, passion, and diversity you all bring to this program. Get ready to forge new bonds, network, and take home unforgettable experiences. 🤝🌍

Thank you all for attending. Let’s together make IT-Yields 6th a platform to build a sustainable future and achieve extraordinary achievements in the economic world. 💪🌟

Welcome to participate in this program! Be an inspiration to fellow participants and celebrate diversity in our knowledge, culture and perspectives. Let’s start this amazing adventure together! 🚀🌍
See you on 17-21 July 2023

#ITYields6th #EconomicOlympiad #SummerSchool #IslamicFinanceOlympiad #InspiringMinds #GlobalCommunity