IPIEF Guest Lecture 5th ITYIELds 2022

August 19, 2022, oleh: superadmin

5th International Training for Young Islamic Economics Leaders (ITYIELds) 2022 merupakan summer course international yang diadakan oleh IPIEF FEB UMY. Dengan bertemakan ‘“Promoting Creative Economy and Sustainable Development Goals” kami mengundang berbagai ahli dari 5 negara yang berbeda. Dosen dan ahli yang kami undang ditujukan untuk memperluas wawasan peserta dalam memahami ilmu ekonomi itu sendiri. Berikut list Kuliah tamu dan beberapa video course yang dapat diakses :

  • Natural Resource and Environmental

1st Meet – Introduction : Prof. Dr. Endah Saptutyningsih and  Dr. Dyah Setyawati Dewanti, M.Sc. from UMY

2nd Meet – What is Sustainable Economics : Dr Ahmed Adnan Zaid from Smart College for Modern Education, Palestine

3rd Meet – Environmental Sustainability : Prof. Dr. Endah Saptutyningsih from UMY

4th Meet – What is Sufficiency Economics? : Dr. Dyah Setyawati Dewanti, M.Sc. from UMY

5th Meet – The Issues of renewable energy : Mohamad Reza Alhuda, S.T., M.Sc. from Petronas, Malaysia

6th Meet – Using Non-Market Valuation to Inform Policy : with Dr Claudia Aravena from Herriot-Watt University

7th Meet – Sufficiency Economy as part of Greening Cities with Dr. Chuanchen Bi : from Khon Khaen University

8th Meet – Part 1 Understanding the World Petroleum Market Part 2 Petroleum Depletion and Related Issues: Prof. Alexander Kemp from University of Aberdeen, Scotland

  • Introduction to Microeconometrics and Application

1st Meet – Introduction and INSTATA Installation : Dr Mohammad Sleimi from Palestina Technical University-Kadoorle

2nd Meet – Econometrics & Economic data : Dr Dyah Titis Kusuma W from UMY

3rd Meet – Multiple Regression with OLS and Application in STATA : Dr Sigit Wibowo from Universitas Indonesia

4th Meet – Quantile Regression (QR) and Application in STATA : Dr Elsa Fontainha from Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

5th Meet – Instrumental Variable and Application in STATA : Dr Romi Hartarto from UMY

6th Meet – Probit/Logit and Application in STATA : Dr Romi Hartarto from UMY

7th Meet – Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Application in STATA : Dr Romi Hartaro from UMY

8th Meet – Difference in Difference (DiD) and Application in STATA : Dr Dyah Titis Kusuma W from UMY

9th Meet – Panel Data and Application in STATA : Dr Akhmad Akbar Susamto from Universitas Gadjah Mada

  • Financial System : Islamic and Conventional Perspectives

1st Meet – Central Bank of Indonesia : Dr. Lilies Setiartiti from UMY

2nd Meet – Creative Economics and Sustainable SDG : Prof. Dr. Imamudin Yuliadi from UMY

3rd Meet – Conventional and Islamic Bank : Dr Ayif Fathurraman from UMY

4th Meet – Waqf Development in Indo : Prof Dr Raditya Sukmana from Universitas Airlangga

5th Meet – Islamic Banking Resillience : Dr Dimas Bagus W from UMY

6th Meet – Islamic Banking : Mustafa Dababdseh College for Modern Education, Palestine

7th Meet : The Islamization of Knowledge Agenda : Prof. Dr. Mohamed Aslam Haneef from International Islamic University Malaysia
8th Meet : Zakar and Waqf : Zaini Muchlis, Lc., MIRKH. And Yuli Utami, SE.I., M.Ec. from UMY

9th Meet – An Introduction to Financial System : Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghafar Ismail from Putra Business School, Universiti Putra Malaysia

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