IPIEF Weeks Even Semester 2022

July 22, 2022, oleh: superadmin

IPIEF Week is an English Competition for IPIEF Students All Batches collaboration with LTC UMY. While the student enjoy their holiday, we hope students can develop their English language skills. We conducted 3 online competition using social media. Here the detail of the competitions :

Tiktok Video Competition

  • For IPIEF Student Batch 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021
  • Participants must create a video content in English and upload it on TikTok by choosing a theme:
  1. The challenges of being a student of international student
  2. The benefits of being a student of international student
  • The maximum duration of the video is 120 seconds/2 minutes with free editing techniques
  • Participants are allowed to use any device to create the TikTok content
  • It is recommended that you take the video at the IPIEF/LTC/UMY as the location setting
  • Video is posted on participant’s TikTok accounts by following and tagging @ipiefumy and @ltc.umy (During the competition, the participant’s account should not be private to make the assessment easier)
  • Uploaded video must be given the hashtag: #ipiefweek2022 #ipieffebumy #ltcumy #ipiefreelscompetition #infokuliah #infokampus #masukkampus2022
  • Video TikTok to be selected will be based on 2 categories: Video with the best content (Category A) and Video with the Most Likes (Category B)

Public Speaking Video Competition

  • For IPIEF Student Batch 2018,2019, 2020 and 2021
  • Participants must create a video presentation in English and upload it on Youtube by choosing a category :
  1. Product Promotion (PP) promotes goods/services owned by students or local products (UMKM). You are not allowed to use branded/popular products.
  2. Tourism Places Promotion (TPP) promotes tourist sites that are rarely exposed. The location categories are free to choose from, e.g., beaches, museums, etc.). Video recording done in location will get more scores.
  • The maximum duration of the video is 10 minutes with free editing techniques.
  • Participants are allowed to use any device to create the presentation video.
  • The video is uploaded to the participant’s YouTube social account with the video title format: “Video Title_Product Name_ PresComp_IPIEF Weeks 2022” or “Tourist Location_PresComp_IPIEF Weeks 2022” by subscribing and tagging IPIEF UMY and LTC UMY YouTube accounts (example: Visiting Keraton Palace_PresComp_IPIEF Weeks 2022)
  • In the description of the video, it must be written:
  1. Name of Creator
  2. Date of Creation
  3. Type of Competition: (PP/TPP)
  4. Product Name or Location
  5. Brief description of the product or location
  6. Also include the hashtag #ipiefweek2022 #ipieffebumy #ltcumy #prescomp2022
  • The jury will select 3 Best Videos from all categories.

Book Review Competition

  • For IPIEF Student Batch 2018,2019, 2020 and 2021
  • Participants must follow the Instagram accounts @ipieffebumy and @ltc.umy
  • Participants make a book review in written form and upload it on Instagram feeds. Participants must post a photo of the book and write the book’s title and review in the caption. The review with more aesthetic photos will get more scores.
  • The books to be reviewed can be chosen from these categories:
  1. Academic textbooks (books used during your study at IPIEF UMY)
  2. Fiction books (can be in the form of novels, poetry books, etc.), published locally/internationally as long as they do not contain elements of SARA
  3. Non-fiction books (history, biographies, etc.], published locally/internationally as long as they do not contain elements of SARA)
  • Book reviews consist of 500 to 1000 words and use English. The review uses your own words (no plagiarism allowed). You must include the title of the book and the author; at the end of the review, you must include your full name and student number.
  • Book reviews are posted on Instagram social media accounts by following and tagging @ipieffebumy and @ltc.umy (During the competition period, participants’ account must not be private to make assessment easier)
  • The book review must use the following hashtags: #ipiefweek2022 #ipieffebumy #ltcumy #brvcompetition

Registration Link :


Let’s participate! Increase your skill! and Win Big Rewards!