19th Guest Lecture Series with Andy Fuller Ph.D. with Topic Mediating the Pandemic : New Platforms in a Time of Health Care Crisis

December 28, 2021, oleh: superadmin

19th Guest Lecture Series with Andy Fuller Ph.D. with Topic Mediating the Pandemic : New Platforms in a Time of Health Care Crisis

International Program for Islamic Economics and Finance (IPIEF) presents Guest Lecture Series. This odd semester’s 19th Guest Lecture Class Series is on Thursday, 16 December 2021 at 15.00-16.00 PM WIB, Through the online Zoom meeting. IPIEF invited extraordinary lecturers, Andy Fuller Ph.D. from Utrecht University. The class was moderated by IPIEF’s Lecturer, Dr. Fajar Junaedi, with the topic Mediating the Pandemic : New Platforms in a Time of Health Care Crisis. This class was mainly attended by the 3th Semester’s Students and open for other students to join the class via youtube live stream.

This Class talk about Mediating Pandemic in Indonesia. Mr. Fuller is a foreign person who he has much research about Indonesia, especially in Sastra Indonesia. In this discussion, together with Mr Andy, we discuss about Multatuli Project as the New Platforms in a Time of Health Care Crisis. He explains to us how this project can help Indonesia people to recover from this covid-19 pandemic. You can learn more by watching our class recording on IPIEF’s Youtube.

Thank you, #IPIEFriends for the participation, and see you at the following Guest Lecture Classes!

You can access the class recording here.