


Knowledge to change the world


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullāhi wabarakātuhu

The International Program for Islamic Economics and Finance (IPIEF), Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (FEB UMY) is proud of welcoming new Bachelor of Economics students. Welcome to the International Program for Islamic Economics and Finance, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IPIEF FEB UMY). The program aims at promoting Towards a Reputable Programme on Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance in ASEAN by 2025. To achieve such vision, IPIEF FEB UMY focuses its missions on internationalization, academic excellence, research core based, and empowering people.

We are among the first international program for Islamic economics and finance in Indonesia. It is a full time program with the length of study around 3 – 4 years. We provide outstanding scheme, both for theoretical and practical application of Islamic Economic and Finance. Our Curriculum, with its emphasis on research experiences, are designed to students to have competitive edge in academics, private market or public sector. We have strong traditional program in economics and finance, as well as Islamic knowledge that combines subjects to meet real world career goals.

Our partners are from the best universities in the world in which students have a great opportunity to involve in student exchange and credit transfer programs. Our learning environment is structured around professional study requirements and students whom graduated from IPIEF FEB UMY have the ability to generate and apply knowledge and the capacity to actively engage in the community to lead productive lives.

Warm Welcome as a future and global Islamic economist. Let’s be part of International Communities with IPIEF FEB UMY!

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullāhi wabarakātuhu


“To become a leading Economics Study Program in enhancing knowledge and technology based on Islamic values in Southeast Asia by year 2025”


1. To administer high quality education with scientific and Islamic nuances to form creative and innovative Islamic Economics scholars who master ICT and possess national and international insights.
2. To carry out research and development in the field of Economics integrated with Islamic spirits to achieve sustainable development.
3. To implement community services and empowerment with the spirit of Islamic virtue and Muhammadiyah in realizing the prosperity of Ummah.


Head of the Economics Department FEB UMY

Prof. Dr. Endah Saptutyningsih, SE., M.Si.

Secretary of Economics Department FEB UMY

Dr. Dyah Titis Kusuma Wardani, SE., MIDEC.

Secretary of International Undergraduate Program of Economics (IPIEF) FEB UMY

Dr. Dimas Bagus Wiranatakusuma, SE., M.Ec.

Coordinator Laboratory of Economics Department FEB UMY

Dr. Romi Bhakti Hartarto, SE., M.Ec.

Quality Assurance of Economics Study Program

Susilo Nur Aji Cokro Darsono, S.E., M.R.D.M., Ph.D.

Department Officer in IPIEF

Media and Website Staff

Mochamad Rizki, S.E

Administrative Staff

Gina Salsabila, S.E

Finance Staff

Ristiyani Juwita, S.Ak

Internationalization Staff

Anggi Aprizal, S.E