Buddies IPIEF

Student Exchange Buddies

IPIEF has a team of Student Exchange Buddies  who have just returned from their own study abroad and exchange experiences. They have a great understanding of what it is like to be a new student at a new university, and can offer you support, friendship and advice if you are also interested in doing this. Read their top tips on this page.

Yuni Titania Velasta

Top Tip:  Try to put yourself out there and interact with everyone. This allowed me to experience a variety of people and make forever connections.

Mochamad Rizki

Top Tip: Make a bucket list of places, concerts and activities you may want to do – this gives you a range of things to look forward to

Ganjar Primambudi

Top Tip:  Be brave! There will be some occasions when you just feel like packing up and going back home but persevering will help you become stronger.