Let’s Study at IPIEF

History of IPIEF

International Program for Islamic Economics and Finance (IPIEF) adalah program yang dirintis oleh Dr. Masyhudi Muqorobin dan diresmikan pada tahun 2009, bekerjasama dengan Program Studi Eknomi Islam, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. Mari Bergabung dengan UMY dan kembangkan potensimu!

Keunggulan Program Kelas Internasional IPIEF FEB UMY

● Terakreditasi “Unggul”
● Tersedia program Double Degree, 1 Gelar dari UMY dan 1 Gelar dari Asia University Taiwan
● Tersedia program Fast Track, 5 tahun untuk jenjang S1-S2 serta 4 tahun untuk jenjang S2-S3
● Pembelajaran menggunakan Bahasa Inggris 
● Kursus intensif Bahasa Inggris selama 6 semester di LTC UMY
● Kursus Bahasa Arab selama 2 semester
● Kuliah Kerja Lapangan Luar Negeri (Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, Australia)
● Magang Luar Negeri (Malaysia, Thailand, Turkiye)
● Pertukaran Mahasiswa ke Luar Negeri minimal selama 1 semester (Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Jepang,Thailand, etc)
● Delegasi Konferensi International (Turkiye, Malaysia,Singapura,Taiwan)
● Sertifikat Keahlian Profesi (BNSP)
● International Summer Course (Turkiye, Malaysia,Indonesia)
● Kuliah Tamu Dosen Luar Negeri 5 Benua (Asia, Eropa,Amerika,Afrika,Australia)
● Penelitian Kolaboratif dengan Kampus Luar Negeri 

Cocok Untuk Mahasiswa yang ingin mengembangkan bahasa inggris untuk lanjut S2 di luar negeri. Yuk daftar sekarang!

Jalur - Jalur Yang Tersedia Masuk Kampus Muda Mendunia UMY Tahun Ajaran 2023-2024

a. Jalur CBT (Computer Based Test)
Periode 24 Juli – 12 Agustus 2023 | Informasi Pendaftaran 0895-3555-66667 | cbt.umy.ac.id
b. Jalur Prestasi (Nilai Raport)
Periode 24 Juli – 19 Agustus 2023 | Informasi Pendaftaran 0821-3451-0549 | jalurprestasi.umy.ac.id
c. Jalur SKL (Surat Keterangan Lulus)
Periode Dibuka Sampai 19 Agustus 2023 | Informasi Pendaftaran 0853-2685-5719 | jalurskl.umy.ac.id
d. Jalur Nilai UTBK – SNBT
Periode Dibuka Sampai 19 Agustus | Informasi Pendaftaran 0812-3778-7776 | jalurutbk.umy.ac.id
e. Jalur SBMPTMu (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah & ‘Aisyiyah Se-Indonesia)
Periode 15 Mei – 11 Agustus 2023 | Informasi Pendaftaran 0813-8811-1912 | sbmptmu.id
f. Jalur Jogjaversitas (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Yogyakarta)
Website Pendaftaran : jogjaversitas.id

Profile IPIEF



Frequently Asked Questions

IPIEF is the International Program for Islamic Economics and Finance, initiated by Dr. Masyhudi Muqorobin and was officially established in 2009, in collaboration with Department of Islamic Economics, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.

IPIEF has a vision: To become a leading Economics Study Program in enhancing knowledge and technology based on Islamic values in Southeast Asia by year 2025. To achieve such a vision, it also has four missions, including internationalization, academic excellent, research core based, and empowering people.

There have been rapidly growing financial institutions providing financial services based on Islamic Principle, such as Islamic banking, Islamic microfinance, and Islamic capital market which necessitate the considerable number of excellent and credible human resource to work in such Islamic financial institutions. IPIEF therefore offers numerous courses and practices necessary to prepare the next Islamic economist and bankers.
You can find out all information about requirement and scholarship offered for IPIEF students in the following sections.
It takes 3-4 years duration of the study.
As this program is aimed at promoting the Islamic economics in international level and was designed on the basis of internationally-standardized curricula, the tuition fee is affordable.
There are many benefit students of IPIEF will gain from joining this program: First, IPIEF students will be given an opportunity to study abroad at our university partners around the Globe; Second, there is a valuable opportunity for IPIEF students to conduct internship in Islamic banks or even Bank Indonesia; Third, IPIEF students will be involved in many international conferences conducted in foreign countries; Fourth, IPIEF students will obtain a high score in English proficiency at the end of the program, as proven later by the score of 550 in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); Fifth, there is a character building program through which IPIEF students are expected to retain impeccable character.
There will be several careers to pursue after completing IPIEF program, those are: Islamic bankers, Researcher, Policy makers and Lecturer. You could see our alumni profile  Here.
If you need further information about his program, you might contact to +62 822-4303-4001, Instagram: @ipieffebumy or send Email to ipief@umy.ac.id

How to apply ?

Scholarship Program

Let's Study at IPIEF